H2: Glow Energy 12v/220AH tubular batteries

-By BuraSolutions



 GLOW ENERGY Tall Tabular 120AH to 220 AH is the next generation tubular batteries designed specially to withstand long and frequent powercuts. It comes with special features that makes it suitable for a wide range of applications including homes, offices as well as office spaces. It is THE ULTIMATE INVERTER BATTERIES 




• Very long life 

• User Friendly 

• Acid volume per ampere hour is 30% more than that of ordinary tubular batteries. It acts as a coolant and also ensures very low maintenance 

• Suited for use in areas of frequent power cuts can (800 to 1000 cycles of deep discharge as against 300/400 cycles of other batteries.) 

• Can withstand overcharge better Occupies less floor space, totally new look • Less pollution, environment Friendly

• Ensure consistent quality. 




• High rate discharge tested 

• Environment friendly. 

• Improved Safety. 

• High Acid Volume per ampere hour 

• Electrolyte level indicator 

• Deep cycle design. 

• Tower type design.

 • Common side venting.

• Excellent charge acceptance. 

• Float indicators to check the acid level. 

What is a Solar Battery?


Let’s start with a simple answer to the question, “What is a solar battery?”:

A solar battery is a device that you can add to your solar power system to store the excess electricity generated by your solar panels.

The point of a solar battery is to help you use more of the solar energy you’re creating. If you don't have battery storage, any excess electricity from solar power goes to the grid, which means you're generating power and providing it to other people without taking full advantage of the electricity your panels create first.

The Science of Solar Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are the most popular form of solar batteries currently on the market. This is the same technology used for smartphones and other high-tech batteries.

Lithium-ion batteries work through a chemical reaction that stores chemical energy before converting it to electrical energy. The reaction occurs when lithium ions release free electrons, and those electrons flow from the negatively-charged anode to the positively-charged cathode.

This movement is encouraged and enhanced by lithium-salt electrolyte, a liquid inside the battery that balances the reaction by providing the necessary positive ions. This flow of free electrons creates the current necessary for people to use electricity.

When you draw electricity from the battery, the lithium ions flow back across the electrolyte to the positive electrode. At the same time, electrons move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode via the outer circuit, powering the plugged-in device.

Home solar power storage batteries combine multiple ion battery cells with sophisticated electronics that regulate the performance and safety of the whole solar battery system. Thus, solar batteries function as rechargeable batteries that use the power of the sun as the initial input that kickstarts the whole process of creating an electrical current.

Comparing Battery Storage Technologies

When it comes to solar battery types, there are three common options: lithium-ion, flooded and lead-acid. Solar panel companies prefer lithium-ion batteries because they can store more energy, hold that energy longer than other batteries, and have a higher Depth of Discharge.

Also known as DoD, Depth of Discharge is the percentage to which a battery can be used, related to its total capacity. For example, if a battery has a DoD of 95%, it can safely use up to 95% of the battery’s capacity before it needs to be recharged.

Lithium-Ion Battery

As mentioned earlier, battery manufacturers prefer lithium-ion battery technology for its higher DoD, reliable lifespan, ability to hold more energy for longer, and a more compact size. However, because of these numerous benefits, lithium-ion batteries are also more expensive compared to lead-acid batteries.

Flooded/tubular batteries

They contain a water-based electrolyte liquid that flows between two separate chambers, or tanks, within the battery. When charged, chemical reactions occur which allow the energy to be stored and subsequently discharged. These batteries are now beginning to rise in popularity.

Lead-Acid Battery

Lead-acid batteries (the same technology as most car batteries) have been around for years, and have been used widely as in-home energy storage systems for off-grid power options. While they are still on the market at pocket-friendly prices, their popularity is fading due to low DoD and shorter lifespan.

Many cells linked together make up a solar panel. Each photovoltaic cell is basically a sandwich made up of two slices of semi-conducting material. photovoltaic cells are usually made of silicon — the same stuff used in microelectronics.